SatVUE defines one table object in the Lua Engine which are made available to the
user defined scriptions. This variable exposes some internal functions which can
be used to extend the system to suit your needs. This object is named SatVUE.
Name |
Description |
data |
This is a general purpose variable to for user defined Lua scripts to store data
in. This can be useful if you require some peristent data accross multiple
invocations of a single Lua script, or for data sharing between multiple scripts.
The following is an example of how to use this variable:
-- initalise the custom data structure
if == nil then = {last_value = 0, sum_value = 0}
-- get the current value
local value = SatVUE.getPortValue(1)
-- only add this value to the sum, if it was larger than the last value
if value > last_value then = + value
-- if the sum value is larger than the threshold, then send a report
if > 100 then
SatVUE.sendReport = true = 0
-- save the last value = value;
sendReport |
This is a boolean value which gets initalised to FALSE before a Lua script is run.
If the user defined Lua script sets this property to TRUE, then once the user
defined script returns control back to the main SatVUE application, the SatVUE
will initate a report upload, including all sampled Modbus and Eio data.
The following is an example of how to use this variable:
SatVUE.sendReport = true
sendEioBulkReport |
This is a boolean value which gets initalised to FALSE before a Lua script is run.
If the user defined Lua script sets this property to TRUE, then once the user
defined script returns control back to the main SatVUE application, the SatVUE
will initate a report upload, including all Eio sampled data.
The following is an example of how to use this variable:
SatVUE.sendEioBulkReport = true
sendEioReport |
This is a boolean value which gets initalised to FALSE before a Lua script is run.
If the user defined Lua script sets this property to TRUE, then once the user
defined script returns control back to the main SatVUE application, the SatVUE
will initate a report upload, including only the current Eio states.
The following is an example of how to use this variable:
SatVUE.sendPortReport = true
sendModbusReport |
This is a boolean value which gets initalised to FALSE before a Lua script is run.
If the user defined Lua script sets this property to TRUE, then once the user
defined script returns control back to the main SatVUE application, the SatVUE
will initate a report upload, including all sampled Modbus data.
The following is an example of how to use this variable:
SatVUE.sendModbusReport = true
sendLoggedData |
This is a table value which gets initalised to nil before a Lua script
is run. If the user defined Lua script sets this property, then once the
user defined script returns control back to the main SatVUE application, the
SatVUE will initate a report upload, including all data from the specified
time range.
The following is an example of how to use this variable:
SatVUE.sendLoggedData = {
SendHeader = false, -- Should the data header property of the return message be populated.
-- If set to false, the portal will work out what data was sent from
-- the devices configuration.
StartEpochUTC = os.time() - 3600, -- Start time is 1 hour ago
EndEpochUTC = os.time(), -- Get all records up to now
MaxRecords = 10 -- Send a max of 10 records
Name |
Description |
getPortValue(port) |
Get the last sampled value from an IDP EIO port
port: The EIO port on the IDP, 1 - 4.
Return Value
Returns the port value when it was last sampled. Can be 0 or 1 for
digital inputs/outputs or a value between 0 - 3000 for an analog input,
or a 31 bit unsigned pulse count.
local digitalInput = SatVUE.getPortValue(1)
if digitalInput == 1 then
print 'The digital input is set'
Example Output:
getModbusValue(slave, register) |
Get the last sampled value from a Modbus slave/register.
slave: The modbus slave, 1 - 6.
register: The register code, e.g. 3Fb4.
Return Value
The integer or floating point number is returned, or nil if no sample
has been taken or the slave/register is invalid.
local pressure = SatVUE.getModbusValue(2, '3Fb45')
if pressure > 1000 then
SatVUE.sendReport = true;
print 'High Pressure Alarm, report sent.'
Example Output:
High Pressure Alarm, report sent.
getPortValues() |
Get the last sampled value from all four IDP EIO ports, as well as all logged data since the last upload.
Return Value
The last sampled port values are returned in a table of the following format:
port1 = 121, -- Last sampled value for Port 1
port2 = 445, -- Last sampled value for Port 2
port3 = 2341, -- Last sampled value for Port 3
port4 = 1, -- Last sampled value for Port 4
values1 = {151, 141, 131, 121}, -- All logged values since last upload for Port 1
values2 = {1002, 549, 894, 445}, -- All logged values since last upload for Port 2
values3 = {121, 587, 1432, 2341}, -- All logged values since last upload for Port 3
values4 = {1, 0, 1, 1} -- All logged values since last upload for Port 4
local portValues = SatVUE.getPortValues()
local sum = 0;
local count = 0;
for i, value in ipairs(portValues.values1) do
sum = sum + value
count = count + 1
print 'Port #1 Average = '..(sum / count)
Example Output:
getModbusValues() |
Get all logged modbus data since the last upload. All floating point number are in 32 Integer representation.
Return Value
The logged modbus data registers are returned in the following format
-- Modbus Slave 1
Samples = {
{ Registers16 = { {Value = 123}, ... }, Registers32 = { {Value = 4534}, .... } }
-- Modbus Salve 2
Samples = {
{ Registers16 = { {Value = 123}, ... }, Registers32 = { {Value = 4534}, .... } }
-- Modbus Salve 3
local modbusValues = SatVUE.getModbusValues()
if modbusValues.values == nil then
-- Sample the data
modbusValues = SatVUE.getModbusValues()
local waterLevel = SatVUE.int32ToFloat(modbusValues.values[1].Samples[1].Registers32[1])
if waterLevel > 10 then
-- Turn the pump on
SatVUE.eioSetOutput(1, 1)
Example Output:
modbusRead() |
Enable power and sample all configured Modbus devices.
local waterLevel = (SatVUE.getModbusValue(1, '3Fb2') - 400) * 0.01
if waterLevel > 100 then
-- Turn the pump on
SatVUE.eioSetOutput(1, 1)
funcCode, type,
slaveAddr, regAddr,
value, modbusTimeout,
) |
funcCode: The Modbus function code: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 15, 16
type: The Modbus register type.
slaveAddr: The Modbus device's slave address
regAddr: The Modbus register address
value: For write functions, set the value here, otherwise nil.
timeout: The number of milliseconds to wait for a response
retries: The number of times to retry the request
Return Value
For read commands, the value read from the device is returned on success, nil otherwise
SatVUE.modbusSend(3, 'Fb', 1, 45, nil, 1000, 3)
eioSample() |
Enable power and sample all IDP EIO ports.
local waterLevel = (SatVUE.getPortValue(1) - 400) * 0.01
if waterLevel > 100 then
-- Turn the pump on
SatVUE.eioSetOutput(1, 1)
eioSetOutput(port, value) |
Sets or clears an IDP EIO port configured as a digital output.
port: The IDP EIO port, 1 - 4.
value: The digital value to set on the port.
if waterLevel > 10 then
-- Turn the pump on
SatVUE.eioSetOutput(1, 1)
setDigitalOutput(slave, output, value) |
Sets/clears an output on an IO expansion board within the SatVUE.
slave: The modbus slave the IO exapander is on, 1 - 6.
output: The digital output port to set, 1 - 2.
value: True to set the output, or False to clear the output
Return Value
Returns FALSE if the slave/output parameter is invalid, or TRUE if the message was sent.
if setDigitalOutput(1, 1, true) then
print 'Message has been sent'
Example Output:
sleep(seconds) |
Pause the script for a number of seconds
seconds: The number of seconds to sleep for before resuming execution.
-- wait for sensors to power up
-- Sample sensors manually
sensorPowerEnable() |
Enables power on the connectors.
-- wait for sensors to power up
-- Sample sensors manually
sensorPowerDisable() |
Disables power on the connectors.
-- wait for sensors to power up
-- Sample sensors manually
sendReport() |
Send a report to the SatVUE portal, include both EIO and Modbus logged data.
if waterLevel > 10 then
sendModbus() |
Send a report to the SatVUE portal, only include logged Modbus data.
if waterLevel > 10 then
sendEio() |
Send a report to the SatVUE portal, only include current EIO data.
if waterLevel > 10 then
sendEioBulk() |
Send a report to the SatVUE portal, include all logged EIO data.
if waterLevel > 10 then