SatVUE / IDP Properties


SIN PIN Name Type Default Value Description
22 2 enum rs232mainBaudRate 9600 The IDP RS232 port's baud rate
0: 2400
1: 4800
2: 9600
3: 14400
4: 19200
5: 38400
6: 57600
7: 115200
8: 1200
18 3 unsigned MessageLifetime 60 How long should a failed message transmission be retried for, in minutes.
Changing this may effect battery life.
Minumum Value: 1
Maximum Value: 2103840
128 1 enum Port1 Disable The IO type of Port1.
0: Disable
1: InputAnalog
2: InputPulse
3: InputDigitalWeakPullDown
4: InputDigitalPullUp
5: InputDigitalPullDown
6: OutputDigitalOpenDrain
7: OutputDigitalPushPull
8: InputDigitalEdgeDetect
9: InputTamperDetect
128 2 enum Port2 Disable The IO type of Port2.
0: Disable
1: InputAnalog
2: InputPulse
3: InputDigitalWeakPullDown
4: InputDigitalPullUp
5: InputDigitalPullDown
6: OutputDigitalOpenDrain
7: OutputDigitalPushPull
8: InputDigitalEdgeDetect
9: InputTamperDetect
128 3 enum Port3 Disable The IO type of Port3.
0: Disable
1: InputAnalog
2: InputPulse
3: InputDigitalWeakPullDown
4: InputDigitalPullUp
5: InputDigitalPullDown
6: OutputDigitalOpenDrain
7: OutputDigitalPushPull
8: InputDigitalEdgeDetect
9: InputTamperDetect
128 4 enum Port4 SensorEnable The IO type of Port4.
0: SensorEnable
1: Disable
2: InputAnalog
3: InputPulse
4: InputDigitalWeakPullDown
5: InputDigitalPullUp
6: InputDigitalPullDown
7: OutputDigitalOpenDrain
8: OutputDigitalPushPull
9: SensorEnableActiveLow
10: InputDigitalEdgeDetect
11: InputTamperDetect
128 5 unsigned UTCOffset 600 The UTC offset in minutes.
Minumum Value: -720
Maximum Value: 720
128 6 enum PowerMode FixedBattery SatVUE's power mode.
Changing this will effect battery life.
0: MobilePowered
1: FixedPowered
2: MobileBattery
3: FixedBattery
4: MobileMinBattery
5: MobileParked
128 7 bool Send31BitValues False For pulse/counter inputs. Analog inputs are 12 bit regardless of this setting.
Select TRUE if you want to sample and send 31 bit port values instead of 12 bit.
128 8 bool AlarmAnalogPort1Enable False Should the SatVUE alarm with Port1 analog thresholds.
Changing this will effect battery life.
128 9 unsigned AlarmAnalogPort1High 0 Port1 upper analog alarm threshold.
Minumum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 3000
128 10 unsigned AlarmAnalogPort1Low 0 Port1 lower analog alarm threshold.
Minumum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 3000
128 11 bool AlarmAnalogPort2Enable False Should the SatVUE alarm with Port2 analog thresholds.
Changing this will effect battery life.
128 12 unsigned AlarmAnalogPort2High 0 Port2 upper analog alarm threshold.
Minumum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 3000
128 13 unsigned AlarmAnalogPort2Low 0 Port2 lower analog alarm threshold.
Minumum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 3000
128 14 bool AlarmAnalogPort3Enable False Should the SatVUE alarm with Port3 analog thresholds.
Changing this will effect battery life.
128 15 unsigned AlarmAnalogPort3High 0 Port3 upper analog alarm threshold.
Minumum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 3000
128 16 unsigned AlarmAnalogPort3Low 0 Port3 lower analog alarm threshold.
Minumum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 3000
128 18 bool SampleIntervalEnable False Should the SatVUE take perodic samples.
Changing this will effect battery life.
128 19 unsigned SampleInterval 1440 How often, in minutes, should the SatVUE takes perodioc samples.
Changing this will effect battery life.
Minumum Value: 1
Maximum Value: 1440
128 20 bool MessageSendIntervalEnable False Should the SatVUE send perodic messages.
Changing this will effect battery life.
128 21 unsigned MessageSendInterval 1440 How often, in minutes, should the SatVUE sends perodic messages.
Changing this will effect battery life.
Minumum Value: 1
Maximum Value: 1440
128 22 bool MessageSendTimeEnable False Should the SatVUE send messages at a particular time of day (UTC Offset Compensated).
Changing this will effect battery life.
128 23 unsigned MessageSendTimeHour 0 The hour of the day the daily message should be sent
Minumum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 23
128 24 unsigned MessageSendTimeMin 0 The minute of the hour the daily message should be sent
Minumum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 59
128 25 enum MessageReceiveInterval 10_minutes How often the SatVUE will check for incoming messages.
Changing this will effect battery life.
0: 5_seconds
1: 30_seconds
2: 1_minute
3: 3_minutes
4: 10_minutes
5: 30_minutes
6: 60_minutes
128 26 unsigned SensorWarmUpTime 0 How long should the sensors be powered for, in seconds, before taking a sample.
Changing this will effect battery life.
Minumum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 60
128 27 bool SendBulkSamples False If TRUE the SatVUE will send multiple samples in a single message. If FALSE only one sample is sent per message
128 28 unsigned AlarmSupplyInterval 3600
Minumum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 65535
128 29 unsigned AlarmSupplyLowThreshold 11000
Minumum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 33000
128 30 unsigned AlarmSupplyHighThreshold 15000
Minumum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 33000
128 31 unsigned SampleTempInterval 3600
Minumum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 65535
128 32 signed AlarmTempLowThreshold 0
128 33 signed AlarmTempHighThreshold 60
128 34 unsigned PeriodicInterval 1440
Minumum Value: 1
Maximum Value: 1440
128 35 bool VerboseOutput False
128 36 bool ModbusEnable False Should the RS485/Modbus port be enabled.
128 37 enum ModbusMode RTU The RS485/Modbus mode.
0: RTU
128 38 unsigned ModbusBaud 9600 The RS485/Modbus baud rate.
Minumum Value: 1200
Maximum Value: 115200
128 39 enum ModbusParity None The RS485/Modbus parity.
0: None
1: Even
2: Odd
128 40 unsigned ModbusStopBits 1 The RS485/Modbus number of stop bits.
Minumum Value: 1
Maximum Value: 2
128 41 unsigned ModbusRetries 3 The RS485/Modbus retry limit on failed Modbus requests.
Minumum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 10
128 42 unsigned ModbusTimeout 1000 The RS485/Modbus timout on a Modbus request, in milli-seconds
Minumum Value: 100
Maximum Value: 10000
128 43 bool PowerSensorsConstantly False Should the sensors be constantly powered, this is required for pulse/counter inputs.
Changing this will effect battery life.
128 44 bool SendPort3 False Select TRUE if Port 3 should be sampled and its data sent to the SatVUE server.
128 45 bool AlarmSendWhenDeactivated False Should a message be send when an alarm is deactivated.
Changing this will effect battery life.
128 46 bool AlarmPulsePort1Enable False Should the SatVUE alarm with Port1 pulse/counter thresholds.
Changing this will effect battery life.
128 47 unsigned AlarmPulsePort1High 0 Port1 upper pulse/counter alarm threshold.
Minumum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 2147483647
128 48 unsigned AlarmPulsePort1Low 0 Port1 lower pulse/counter alarm threshold.
Minumum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 2147483647
128 49 bool AlarmPulsePort2Enable False Should the SatVUE alarm with Port2 pulse/counter thresholds.
Changing this will effect battery life.
128 50 unsigned AlarmPulsePort2High 0 Port2 upper pulse/counter alarm threshold.
Minumum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 2147483647
128 51 unsigned AlarmPulsePort2Low 0 Port2 lower pulse/counter alarm threshold.
Minumum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 2147483647
128 52 bool AlarmPulsePort3Enable False Should the SatVUE alarm with Port3 pulse/counter thresholds.
Changing this will effect battery life.
128 53 unsigned AlarmPulsePort3High 0 Port3 upper pulse/counter alarm threshold.
Minumum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 2147483647
128 54 unsigned AlarmPulsePort3Low 0 Port3 lower pulse/counter alarm threshold.
Minumum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 2147483647
128 55 unsigned GCThreshold 524288 When memory usage exceeds this value, the garbage collector will run.
Minumum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 2147483647
128 56 unsigned GCTimeout 524288 Garbage collector will run only once the SatVUE has been idle for this many seconds.
Minumum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 2147483647
128 57 bool EnableLuaExecution False Enable local Lua execution hooks. You must also upload Lua handler scripts.
128 58 bool CacheCompiledLua False Enable caching of Lua Hook Scriopts as Lua bytecode. This increases memory usage, but will decrease battery usage.
Changing this will effect battery life.
128 59 bool EnableFileLogging False Enable logging data to a file local on the SatVUE for later retrieval.
Changing this will effect battery life.
128 60 unsigned FileLoggingInterval 1440 How often, in minutes, should the SatVUE takes perodioc samples and log them to a local file.
Changing this will effect battery life.
Minumum Value: 1
Maximum Value: 1440
128 61 unsigned FileLoggingRetentionDays 1 Delete local log files after they are this many days old.
Minumum Value: 1
Maximum Value: 400
128 62 bool SendPort4 False Select TRUE if Port 4 should be sampled and its data sent to the SatVUE server. SendPort3 must be enabled for this have any effect.
128 63 bool AlarmAnalogPort4Enable False Should the SatVUE alarm with Port4 analog thresholds.
Changing this will effect battery life.
128 64 unsigned AlarmAnalogPort4High 0 Port4 upper analog alarm threshold.
Minumum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 3000
128 65 unsigned AlarmAnalogPort4Low 0 Port4 lower analog alarm threshold.
Minumum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 3000
128 66 bool AlarmPulsePort4Enable False Should the SatVUE alarm with Port4 pulse/counter thresholds.
Changing this will effect battery life.
128 67 unsigned AlarmPulsePort4High 0 Port4 upper pulse/counter alarm threshold.
Minumum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 2147483647
128 68 unsigned AlarmPulsePort4Low 0 Port4 lower pulse/counter alarm threshold.
Minumum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 2147483647
128 69 unsigned MessageSendTimeVariance 300 The variance in message send time, to avoid interference from other devices.
Minumum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 6000
128 70 bool OnMinuteEnable False If TRUE sample/send times will be calculated from midnight, otherwise these times are calculated from the power on time. This also affects the MessageSendInterval in the same way.
128 71 bool FileLoggingOnlyIfChanged False If TRUE the sampled data will checked for changes since the last sample, and data will only be logged if there are differences. If the FileLoggingCheck file has been defined in 'Device Programming', then this will run to check if data should be logged.
128 100 unsigned ModbusSlave1 0 The address of the Modbus Slave 1. An address of 0 disables this Modbus slave device.
Minumum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 255
128 101 modbus-regs ModbusReadRegs1 A list of registers to read from Modbus Slave 1.
128 102 modbus-alarms ModbusAlarms1 Alarm thresholds for the read registers from Modbus Slave 1.
Changing this will effect battery life.
128 103 satvue-pcb Modbus IO Expansion 1 Configuration for the Modbus IO Expansion Module within the SatVUE.
128 104 sdi12-cmds SDI12 Requests 1 Configuration for SDI12 sensors.
128 105 unsigned ModbusSlave2 0 The address of the Modbus Slave 2. An address of 0 disables this Modbus slave device..
Minumum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 255
128 106 modbus-regs ModbusReadRegs2 A list of registers to read from Modbus Slave 2.
128 107 modbus-alarms ModbusAlarms2 Alarm thresholds for the read registers from Modbus Slave 2.
Changing this will effect battery life.
128 108 satvue-pcb Modbus IO Expansion 2 Configuration for the Modbus IO Expansion Module within the SatVUE.
128 109 sdi12-cmds SDI12 Requests 2 Configuration for SDI12 sensors.
128 110 unsigned ModbusSlave3 0 The address of the Modbus Slave 3. An address of 0 disables this Modbus slave device..
Minumum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 255
128 111 modbus-regs ModbusReadRegs3 A list of registers to read from Modbus Slave 3.
128 112 modbus-alarms ModbusAlarms3 Alarm thresholds for the read registers from Modbus Slave 3.
Changing this will effect battery life.
128 113 satvue-pcb Modbus IO Expansion 3 Configuration for the Modbus IO Expansion Module within the SatVUE.
128 114 sdi12-cmds SDI12 Requests 3 Configuration for SDI12 sensors.
128 115 unsigned ModbusSlave4 0 The address of the Modbus Slave 4. An address of 0 disables this Modbus slave device..
Minumum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 255
128 116 modbus-regs ModbusReadRegs4 A list of registers to read from Modbus Slave 4.
128 117 modbus-alarms ModbusAlarms4 Alarm thresholds for the read registers from Modbus Slave 4.
Changing this will effect battery life.
128 118 satvue-pcb Modbus IO Expansion 4 Configuration for the Modbus IO Expansion Module within the SatVUE.
128 119 sdi12-cmds SDI12 Requests 4 Configuration for SDI12 sensors.
128 120 unsigned ModbusSlave5 0 The address of the Modbus Slave 5. An address of 0 disables this Modbus slave device..
Minumum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 255
128 121 modbus-regs ModbusReadRegs5 A list of registers to read from Modbus Slave 5.
128 122 modbus-alarms ModbusAlarms5 Alarm thresholds for the read registers from Modbus Slave 5.
Changing this will effect battery life.
128 123 satvue-pcb Modbus IO Expansion 5 Configuration for the Modbus IO Expansion Module within the SatVUE.
128 124 sdi12-cmds SDI12 Requests 5 Configuration for SDI12 sensors.
128 125 unsigned ModbusSlave6 0 The address of the Modbus Slave 5. An address of 0 disables this Modbus slave device..
Minumum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 255
128 126 modbus-regs ModbusReadRegs6 A list of registers to read from Modbus Slave 5.
128 127 modbus-alarms ModbusAlarms6 Alarm thresholds for the read registers from Modbus Slave 5.
Changing this will effect battery life.
128 128 satvue-pcb Modbus IO Expansion 6 Configuration for the Modbus IO Expansion Module within the SatVUE.
128 129 sdi12-cmds SDI12 Requests 6 Configuration for SDI12 sensors.