SatVUE Device Information

Device Information

Editing a SatVUE will show you the screen below, which contains some basic information about the device. This includes:

  • Device Type - The logger type, can be IDP-680, IDP-690, ST 6100, Iridium Edge or YDOC.
  • Serial Number - The serial number of the logger.
  • SatVUE Specific Settings
    • Hardware Version - IDP hardware version.
    • Software Version - IDP software version.
    • SatVUE version - The version of the SatVUE Agent running on the IDP.
  • YDOC Specific Settings
    • TCP Server Address - The YDOC TCP Server's hostname.
    • TCP Server Port - The YDOC TCP Server's port
    • TCP Server Username - The YDOC TCP Server's username for this device.
    • TCP Server Password - The YDOC TCP Server's password for this device
  • Last Message - Time of last message received.
  • Optimim solar panel angle - Based on the device's latitude.
  • Company - Company that owns the device (Resellers only).
  • Longitude - Longitude of the device, from the last position message.
  • Latitude - Longitude of the device, from the last position message.
  • Timezone - The timezone of the device, this is used when displaying date/times for this device.
  • Site - The site the device belongs to
  • Default View Period - The number of days to show by default on the device view screen.

This screen also acts as a portal to various configuration screens: